Custom Flags Manager

Custom flags manager. Allows people to add or remove flags to be used when creating a table.

!flagadd name [optional image url]
Alias: !addflag

name: A one word name for the flag. This can only be at most 7 characters, and it can only include letters a-z, numbers, underscore, and a dash.
image url: Either provide the url to a flag, or provide the image as an attachment.

Add or update a flag.

!flagremove name
Alias: !removeflag

name: The name of the flag to remove.

Remove a custom flag.

Alias: !listflag

Get an image listing all the custom flags that have been added.

!flagget name
Alias: !getflag

name: The name of the flag to get.

Get an image of the specified flag. This can either be a custom flag or an Hlorenzi flag.