Mogi Gatherer
Originally, these commands were created as a backup in case Mogibot ever went offline.
Note: the following commands are disabled by default, but that can be changed through your server's config settings. In addition, there are a few config options available that allows for greater flexability.
Overall, Ice Mario will ping @here +4
when a mogi is half full, and it will ping @here +1
if there are 7 players. When there are 8 players, voting will start, and players will not be able to drop from the mogi. If a player joined 2 or more mogis and one fills, they will automatically be removed from the other mogis.
Start a mogi.
End a mogi.
End the current mogi, if it exists, and start a new mogi.
Join a mogi. After 20 minutes of inactivity, Ice Mario will ping the player to type something in the chat, and they will be removed after 25 minutes of inactivity. These can be adjusted in the server config settings.
Drop from the current mogi. You cannot drop once a mogi has gathered 8 players.
Drop from all mogi. You cannot drop once a mogi has gathered 8 players.
List all the players in the current mogi.
!remove #
Remove a player from the current mogi, where # is the player number shown after using !l
. Only moderators can use this command, and they can use this command to remove someone even after a mogi has started.
List all the players in each mogi in the server.
Ping @here plus the number of players needed to start the mogi. # can be between 1 and 6.
!tag [optional text]
Tag the first 8 players in the mogi list. If optional text
is provided, it will be added to the end of the member pings.
See what the vote tally is. This can only be used once voting has started.
Show the generated teams once voting has ended.
Get the mmr of the current mogi lu. This command is only available in the MKTC Lounge server.
Randomize teams. More info can be found in the miscellaneous commands section here.
or !scoreboard # player1, player2, ..., player8
Generate the scoreboard for a mogi. Note: This command is only available in the MKTC lounge server and in servers where enable-mogi-gatherer
is set to true